Friday, April 13, 2007

Google Reader

If you have a few favorite blogs you check out regularly, I highly recommend Google Reader. It offers some great features: The ability to know when a blog has been updated. No more visiting a blog only to discover there hasn't been any new entries. Plus it offers quick "snapshots" of blog entries so you can quickly review entries without visiting the blogs themselves. You can also only view new entries. In this screenshot, I have "all" turned on so you can see some of the artists blogs I enjoy. However, if none of these blogs have been updated, I can select "updated" and only see ones that have new entries. This is a great time saver. Google Reader is simply a web page that you log into. If you don't already have a Gmail account (required for Google Reader), sign up for free and checkout it out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.