Monday, April 16, 2007

Florida or Bust

I started working on an image a couple weeks back for my sister in Florida. Her birthday was April 1st and I wanted to send her a print for her birthday (I'm a bit behind!). Once I realized it would take longer than I thought, I put it aside until this past weekend.

The general idea is it's going to show my deceased grandparents driving to Florida. I've got the car pretty much done at this point, and started my grandparents in the front seat (not shown below). What's so interesting about an illustration of grandparents driving to Florida? My grandfather was blind, and I'm going to show him behind the wheel, with big grins on their faces. My sister, who lives in Florida, told me how they made several trips to Florida. I asked her how they got there. Certainly they didn't fly. I doubt my grandmother drove. Most likely, they rode along with a child of theirs or nephew/niece, but I made a remark how it would be funny to picture grandpa and grandma driving down the highway.

So... I plan on finishing it up sometime this week and will post the results. Besides a gift for my sister, there are other reasons for doing it: working from my imagination (very hard!), digital painting practice and more practice with my Wacom tablet!

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