Monday, December 27, 2004

New Purpose For Blog

Since my last post (in May!), this blog became dormant, as did my other family blog for the most part. However, I just thought of a new purpose for this one and will try to keep it updated on a nearly daily basis.

I'm nearing the end of a year-plus long interactive history project. What makes this point in the project interesting is that we're several months behind and only have about five weeks left of funding to get it finished. I'd honestly say we're probably 70% done (maybe a little higher but not much).

So....the next five weeks are going to be challenging to say the least. The last several months for me has been an exercise in finding motivation, staying productive and still trying to do good work. I've uncovered many of the challenges, insecurities, confidence issues and more that I thought I left behind a decade ago. The work that this particular project involves isn't dramatically more challenging. Although from an art standpoint, it demands that I step up to the plate and contribute a large amount.

In the past, we've had help with the art portion of our projects, but this time, I'm about 85% if the talent. Because my drawing and illustration skills have not been required on a daily basis in the past, I've not felt that overwhelmed with trying to do quality work.

My heart really does lie in illustration and I'm finding inspiration in many places. But it's a whole different expectation to try and apply that inspiration. Trying to build my self-confidence has been a daily challenge. The other half of the equation is applying the effort level needed to produce satisfying work. This work always has demanded lots of time and effort, but the art aspect adds another degree. Keeping my focus on target and avoiding distractions is key.

I hope to use this blog as a sort of journal over the next five-plus weeks to document my successes and failings. I'm sure there will be a near equal amount of both!

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