Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Where'd the Summer Go?

Boy, it's been a while since I last posted.... May! Wow! Here I thought my job would be slowing down and instead it's been consistently frantic! Lately though it's been a bit more tolerable and I've felt good about the amount of work I've been able to complete. I've discovered the best way to get things done is to do them! Funny how that works!

My second discovery of late.... just do it! What does that mean in the context of all things work-related? I always have a list of items to do that I want to do sooner or later. Most of my to-do's of late have to do with backing files and projects up. It's something that is very easy to forget about until all my assorted hard drives are full. I'm now making an effort to do those things, not just plan them! Same idea when it comes to exercise, but that another discussion entirely.... oh and I could apply this concept to updating this blog too!

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