Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Too Much, Too Many, Too Little Time!

With the easy reach of technology these days, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the huge amount of content at our fingertips. This takes a variety of forms... from simply bookmarking websites we'll never find time to go back and read, to the wealth of online movie and tv shows, to thousands of free podcasts on every subject, to new software we wish we had time to learn.

There's an analog equivalent too. How many of us have wanted to learn to play a musical instrument? Learn a second language? Learn how to dance (well!). Learn how to cook. Life is full of so many choices and options when it comes to how we spend our leisure time and non-working hours. We often end up never finding time to do the things we'd like and then we find ourselves either too old or simply having no energy to do them.

And today, the internet brings many of those teaching resources right to our fingertips! Hey, everyone! Learn how to play guitar in 20 easy lessons for FREE on YouTube! Devote 10 of your Saturdays and become a rock god!

I have quite a long laundry list of things I'd like to learn. Mostly it is software I encounter doing web or graphic design. There are a half dozen programs I feel like I really need to know better if I want to use them properly. Outside of learning on the job when a project requires me to learn them, they'll probably stay on my to-learn list for years.

I've also come across classic tv shows and movies online that I remember wanting to see. Between Hulu and even YouTube, there are dozens of things I bookmark or file away to someday enjoy. Little chance I'll get to them though.

I bookmark helpful and interesting websites I come across often. Since I've been doing so for well over a dozen years now, my list of sites probably contains too many dead links to count. Sure, a few will find a use again, but many don't. In my web browser at this moment, I have about 15 webpages loaded. All but a couple are work-related and include helpful tech stuff I'd like to read more of. Some will end up as bookmarks. Some will be closed without ever reading them closely.

I guess you could chalk it up to the general techno-hoarding we often do whether it's our large collection of mostly unorganized digital photos, home movies, bulging email inboxes, etc. For me personally, it's created a bit of a burden. All that content sitting there ready to be enjoyed, organized, whatever. And don't get me started on finding more time for personal plans like trying to fit more exercise my life, losing a few pounds or developing a flossing plan!

Maybe I need to break my leg or take a week off just to get my life organized and finally learn to dance the Macarena the right way. Scratch that. Learning the Macarena on a broken leg wouldn't work too well!

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