Friday, November 30, 2007

New Website Project

I've been working on a new website for a client that presented a sizable challenge. The design and production took shape as expected. Once a design was approved, the site came together rather smoothly, with a few adjustments and improvements here and there. It includes a good quantity of beautiful photography, which really helps the design, ha. While I worked hard on giving the site a unique feel and had fun making it, the real challenge was integrating the e-commerce.

While I've put together a few e-commerce sites in the past, this is the first to really involve more than a single service for transactions, credit approval and shopping carts. While most of these services are built for mortals to work with and customize, they still can have steep learning curves for integrating together. Fortunately, the system that is set up will be easy to maintain and add to, but the the initial investment of effort was unexpected. 

Then again, it's easy to see how Amazon and the like have armies of computer nerds maintaining their e-commerce systems!

The site is up at:


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