Saturday, March 03, 2007

I'm a Google Man

After discovering Google Reader (finally!), I have to classify myself as a Google Man. I now use a significant number of their technologies so I guess the title is justified. Currently I use Google Mail as my secondary e-mail, Google Analytics to track website statistics, Blogger (which is now owned by Google), Picasa Web Albums (owned by Google), and their webmaster tools. I also use their search engine and image search daily.

All of these tools are currently free, which helps, but I've come to really rely on their stuff simply because it works well. Google Reader is the latest addition. It's one of those types of tools where you go "Oh, that's why I've heard so much about it."

I've used RSS subscriptions before, mostly for syncing news articles onto my iPod, but with GR I can really check up on the sites I read daily in a much quicker way than ever before. Yes, I'm one of those addicted to about a dozen or so sites. Among them are,,,,,,,, among a few others. Now I can check for new stories at a glance rather than scanning each individually. I've heard about dedicated news reader software that may do even more than Google Reader, and I'm sure I'll check them out at some point, but the easy-to-use page design of GR works great for now. Check it out if you find yourself spending too much time looking for fresh news online.

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