Sunday, March 26, 2006

New Idea

I came up with an idea last week for a new computer product that I think could be very popular and beneficial. I believe in the concept so much that I'm going to be careful just how much information I share with others. Regardless, I'm going to start the process of conceptualizing the product and describe it in great detail. I've never gone through the process of developing something like this in the past so I'll be looking for help and advice.

I keep up with as much new technology that I can by reading sites like Engadget, Gizmodo and Digg and I've not seen nor heard of anything quite like this in development or already available. Of course, my dream could be dashed if I find something too close for comfort. I'd love to be able to document the process to share with others and post my adventure in this blog, but I'm not going to reveal too much until I have my ducks in a row. Suffice it to say that those I have told of the product have been very enthusiastic and I'll try to post as much information as possible until it's either safe to share or the idea goes down in flames.

Since I'm completely new to the concept of bringing an idea or invention to reality, I'm going to take things slow and completely describe the product in detail, using written descriptions and images. The big question I have at this time is if I should plan on presenting the concept to an existing manufacturer or try to do most of it myself.

I'm not a computer engineer or programmer so I may run into some dead ends with just how far I can explain the concept, but I've been using computers long enough to know the terminology. Maybe someone with some real insight into the process and market will call the idea dumb, but it's worth a try.

Now to learn what I can online and start conceptualizing it...

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