Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Computing Nirvana

I had to stop at my local mall recently to pickup up a cable at the Apple Store when I saw something that made me stop dead in my tracks. While waiting for a sales person to break free, I glanced over to the display of computers against the wall to see the display of my dreams. It's a 30" LCD that Apple makes. I'd probably seen one of them before at a store, but for some reason, the size alone just made my jaw literally drop. The vision of one of these puppies sitting on my desk was hard to forget. Now I'm not usually one to focus so intently on a material thing, but in this season of gifting and wishing, how could I not think about owning a beast like this? Of course the realities of coming up with an extra $2500 for it made me chuckle as I checked the price. But the funny thing is, I think the prices isn't a bad deal! For the nirvana of computing.... how could one put a price on such a thing?!? Of course with a new display I'd need a new Mac that would power it, but hey, it's always free to dream!

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